RE:The trend of ever smaller Flu-Ace orders has been brokenI hope you are being sarcastic. This type of project and Master Services Agreement was out there to be had probably some moons ago.
From investor relations perspective, big fail IMO. Why not starting to create a buzz upon signing the MSA? Why not try to get a couple of pennies head start with such an announcement to grease the wheel? What's up with the link to make the graphic with half a dozen words larger? I can read the puny one on my small phone a slighltly bigger one going to make the news bigger because of a biigger image which shows me nothing new? Is this MBC contribution?
About time and next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next to the exponent of many.
They have just shown there are individual $4 million projects to be had, implemented ovwr 12 months. And with a new client I believe, if so, who are the sales folk that had other pharma corp accounts and why haven't they been able to cross-sell such projects for so many years.
Good news but showing why they are not up to the task of capitalizing on the potential that is out there IMO. 10 such projects per year = $40 million revenues. Just shows the underachievement.
Crank $40 million in sogned contracts with so many of our clients and products next year, and maybe I could start cutting some slack but right now as good as this news is at face value, deeper there are many causes for frustratio. JMHO evem thought today is a much better day than all except one over this CEO's tenure.