RE:RE:Possible Opportunity?Donwaan, IMO I think both the recent share price slide and early June short increase likely was caused by several situations. First the short position in June, at that particular time no one was anticipating that the Bank of Canada would pause interest hikes, the recent pause has provided some second thoughts on future increases and the possiblities of when interest rate rollbacks might commence. And there is no doubt that both Canadian and US rates will eventully see rollbacks, likely US first. Recent slide might be the result of the Federal government in Canada not responding quickly enough to reduce the Canadian housing shortage and prices going forward. I don't think it will be that long before the Liberals provide some remedies and incentives in light of their dropping numbers in the polls recently. Also Doman's geograhical and extensive service area affords some sectors of their service to support those where there has been a slow down. Finally, the market may have provided investors here with some other brightly shinning opportunity elsewhere and they have moved on. This my personal view, and have I been wrong before? why yes of course! that's why risk is ever present. Have a great day and may you prosper along with me.