RE:RE:Automobile buyers will be the real winners. Imagine thatI see this as an "every motive has an ulterior motive" scenerio.
If you want to see exactly what the cost implications of using 2 Giga pieces instead of 400 pieces are simply buy a Tesla and get into a fender bender. Instead of replacing 5 to 10 pieces, you will be replacing one Giga piece. Fender benders will become Giga benders, and the Giga price will astound you as well as the Giga waste!
Made in house and installed in house? Am I driving my totalled car all the way to Texas for replacement or is Elon shipping a large replacement part 3000 miles to my house or local dealership? This really does sound cheaper doesn't it?
I'm pretty sure everybody realizes why manufaturers put endless amounts of useless gizmo options around the entire perimeter of every vehicle right? A person could swivel their head, or buy a $3 convex mirror, but the sensing mirrors/lane departure/cruise braking sensors all cost a fortune to replace evey time any part of the vehicle is massaged. It's especially profiable on entry level models the newly licensed teens get for University.
Keep remembering that nobody does anything to "help" you. Elon bought Twitter and wanted everyone to pay for a monthly memebership. Is anyone naive enough to think that he is throwing out freebies for Tesla's?