Kakua Valuation per tonA valuation of the Kakua resource of the LK project in Finland, per ton bulk concentrate in $USD. As of spot prices September 19, 2023.
Palladium 40.1 g/t. 1634
Platinum 11.6 g/t. 353
Gold. 5.4 g/t. 165
Copper. 11.7% 962
Nickel. 3.83% 750
Cobalt. 0.20% 31
Rhodium. 1.5 g/t. 165
Total value. 4060
At approximately 35 million tons gross yielding 551,000 tons of bulk concentrate, the total value of payable metals is:
$ 2,237,000,000
Minus CAPEX. 300,000,000
Cost per ton mining, processing, &
G&A at $25 per ton. 35 million X $25
= $875,000,000
Net pre tax value of payable metal
= $1,062,000,000
A billion dollars pre tax of metal at today's prices spread over 15.5 years has value to someone. It is not a mothballed project. It is a waiting for a suitor project. Meanwhile, scarce money is better spent searching for nickel. I am not posting this because it's right, but to show that we can all do our own math on valuations based on publicly available data. We don't have to rely on Ben's spreadsheet or Roger who knows a guy on the drilling team. I used the metal concentrations available on Palladium One's corporate presentation & estimated 35 million gross tons based on another table. There would be 20-25% more metal at the nearby Haukiaho.