RE:RE:RE:Pharma Profits have kicked in!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 P's, Pidduck, A few final thoughts from me:
a) Qualcomm from Jan 1st ,1992 to its all time was a 250 bagger
b) Qualcomm from Jan 1st, 1992 to today is a 150 bagger
c) those returns are over a 30 year period
d) most people including myself, will never experience those types of returns
e) my guess is you haven't either or you wouldn't have used a five bagger on Chrysler as your example
all the best anyways,
subaru1i wrote: So you are telling me the 500+ bagger on Qualcomm is a fairy tale? I'm not going to argue or debate this with you because your own personal life experience will teach you much more effectively than my life experience and words. Have a great day and best of luck to your investments!!!