RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Dividendenergee wrote: i agree with a previous poster that this company is severely undervalued by the market, hence best piece of business, although un-exciting for new shareholders or the aging millions seeking dividend income, is a share buyback.
Share buyback not likely to happen as the Company is rightly using their immense monthly CF/capital by drilling up their PUDS and field extensions to add more reserves, production and value at YE 2023. My guess is the reserve evaluators are presently being educated by the VLE Team for YE valuation/estimates and VLE will have plenty to add. Some of these fields have many, many more years to go.
Also like the comment from another poster that the tax minimization efforts will result in more bottom line earnings/reduced tax bill within the next 6 months.
Basically forecast to be debt free at YE 2023, adding production with lower risk adds and operating as a growth oriented oil company.
Acquisitions are good but not good when you are using your stock (as deal currency or in new new raises) when you are trading less than your NAV, which NAV will be disclosed in the new year when reserve and corp values ATAX are known.
This is the most undervalued oil producer that I know. Like it a lot, buying more.
As for Turkey, farm it out or sell it for a royalty. JMO.
The market price is always the correct price. Sure it has potential but VLE is essentially a start up with seriois integrity issues like "no dilution" and two dilutions of 20% within weeks, and a record of accidents as well as way overtimed deliverables fulfillment.
Amateur hour at VLE. Never let an engineer with an ego be CEO.
They need 2-3 years to get that major baggage behind them and by then oil could be $40 bbl.
Turkey is dead theyve been trying to farm out since 2018 seems like they are blacklisted ....probably same integrity issues.
This is so far from investment grade the only 1-3 yr action plan would be pay out 80% free cash flow to SH. Otherwise its just a swing trade stock thats doesnt even trackmoil price increases much.