Just wavesWait until people really start to pile in. To high capital individuals they can wait until 50cents to a 1$ to open a position because they have a tone of money to pit into it. We are just dealing with some individuals trying to manipulate and shake share, because in the end the can't compete when the heavy hitters start to open their wallets. And by what I can see, they are trying to show volatility to stave off the inevitable of people buying and holding, because also high capital individuals can sit on an investment longer as to see it mature, and grow their net worth over a period of time. That is when our true value will be reflected, because they won't sell until the share price is where they feel it should be, and will still hold a majority of shares, because if company keeps building they are in tune enough to know long game usually means more returns in terms of a stronger portfolio.
I'm not an expert or an advisor, and not advice. Just my thoughts, because one day soon the rise to 36cents will be funny to look back on when we see the money bats start swinging!!!!
Have fun today;)