RE:RE:FinancingTrue enough. A large non brokered private placement from ( fill in blank )
would send a positive signal of confidence. And the cash would come in handy.
I agree the large float isn't overly detrimental. The share buybacks didn't
reduce the float by all that much, but I don't think I have ever seen a microcap do that. Sends a signal of confidence as well. Yet here we sit at .06. Geeezus.
If this turns out to be as big as I think, the PP's would be pretty insignificant
looking back. Just some needed fuel for the rocket. In the future DM could continue with share buybacks to trim the float. If needed. Could be enough revenues to support the float and still deliver sizable SP gains. With a share
price of 6 cents right now, this thing could in theory become a 100 bagger down
the road. Hey.. Anything is possible at this point.
Let's go DM! We are all sitting in lawn chairs watching the launch pad..