fifteen to one consolidation proposalshould multiply the sp up to the $15 range, for about 10 seconds, from my personal experience.
It will take full legalization to get the sp off where it is headed, which will be close to zero imho, based on personal experience.
It also eliminates smaller investors who's hope lies in accumulating mega shares and grabbing a decent uptick.
I don't buy too many shares over $10 a share. My last high priced shares were Acreage before the consolidation screw around robbed my of my mega shares and the bad news is there is another one coming, when Canopy swaps shares for Acreage shares. 3 gets you 1 for the fixed shares and 2 gets you 1 for the floating shares is the way it is until Klein team decides that they can negotiate a better deal because the shares have done so poorly.
All of the mixed messaging from Kleins team is doing nothing to support the shareprice of either WEED or ACRG and STZ management is in control of both of them.
ACRG has been getting the coffers pilfered by the politicians that have been continually slopping hard. Murphy ok'd 13 million renumeration for Boehner and Mulroney so what did he drag out while they were crying poverty.
Perception of how things are is based on what you are told. Sing a song of woe and self reward yourself with what could be shareholders hope and success.
Hopefully there is pro Canopy and Acreage news coming down the pipe. We don't need to follow through on the consolidation but having that in the tool kit is a good hedge for Klein and STZ who will inherit the spoils if this tanks.
Something could happen in US politics that would unleash the Kraken for pot investors but I don't see the MSOs or the LPs putting any money into lobbying for what they need.
Even all of the alcohol guys backed off of lobbying for pot,but they still have revenue from beer sales and clearly are content to let somebody else do the heavy lifting.
Honest people don't want to believe how business gets done but greasing the right palms can make big things happen and all you have to do is look at Hunter Biden, Senator what's his name, judge Clarence and all of the others who are on the take.
The good news/bad news and company moves that are designed to erode the shareprice should result in new management who will put the commonshareholders first.
Klein could stop the mixed messaging and give some hope to shareholders that we have a going concern here or he can be king in a dirty little kingdom in the STZ camp.