Taat owes millionsSo you can see now why they will issue more shares for themselves. If they issued the remaining shares now, they would only get $600,000. And when taat owes just alone for current liabilites of 7.7 million, not to mention their debts, you can see why saxon is doing the reverse split, and most likely
he will issue a NEW prospectus so that he can once again, fleece investors by increasing the amount of shares he can issue.And he will do that. I estimate he will issue post consolidation at least 3 to 5 million shares, if not more. Taat is broke and cant pay debts, that is why they are doing this. And I hope the creditors see what taat is trying to do, as well as the shareholders. Its a lose situation for taat shareholders.
Issued & Outstanding:
115,562,465 Reserved for Issuance:
10,672,499 Company Officers
Joel Dumaresq, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
Michael Saxon, Chief Executive Officer