low micro diamond count VICTOR turned into a diamond mine The Victor kimberlite occurs in a cluster of 19 pipes, 90 km west of the coastal community of Attawapiskat on the western side of James Bay. De Beers discovered 16 of these bodies as a result of drilling in 1988 and 1989. More than 100 kg of core from each of the kimberlites was initially analyzed for microdiamonds, and all but one proved to be diamondiferous.
Subsequently, in 1994, two additional small kimberlites, dubbed MacFayden No. 1 and No. 2, were discovered by Spider Resources (spq-v) and KWG Resources at the northern end of the cluster, 8 km northwest of Victor. A 163.6-kg drill sample from MacFayden No. 1 returned just seven microdiamonds and two macrodiamonds. (A macro is defined as measuring greater than 0.5 mm in at least one dimension.) A follow-up 1-tonne test sample yielded no diamonds above a 0.8-mm cutoff.