Thank you but so what? Anyone that lives by the hour to hour fluctuations of an early stage company's SP is well aware of the pricing already.
For investors (as in those with time horizons measured in many, many months if not years), I for one, don't get all this nattering about the price and more importantly what they think management can or should do about it. Can we apply a little logic please?
The company has been quite clear on the subject of operating under NDA with potential partners until such time as both EXRO and the partner deem it feasible to release that information. There are solid business reasons for this approach from both sides of the table. If you don't believe the company has these NDA's then move on. If you believe NDA's are simply a smoke screen for EXRO, then move on.
If you are not prepared for slippage on timetables.....move on.
Insider buying is no panacea either. EXRO is in a very dynamic business environment at present. In other words this isn't exactly a quiet time for them on the business development front. In light of this announcements could be forthcoming at any time, and insider buying during this period could set off alarm bells for all the wrong reasons.
The bottom line is you have financial choices whether your bullish or bearish on the company's prospects.Whining about the SP today, is not one of those options. It's just..... well.... whining......
Everyone here should understand the technology and its prospects by now. The only remaining question is whether it will get adopted in large enough volumes to make this company as profitable as many here think it could be.
Time will tell. End of Story....