RE:some should hide under the rock!wealth2015 just for a little more clarity.....did you mean you
actually questioned the current ceo and management directly
or just meant that you aired your views here and got personal attacks.?
I would suggest that you saying that 'the market' is telling you that they
failed is a bit of a stretch at this juncture. Particularly as Geoff has clearly
stated what's going on with the workover in his last note to investors which
was only just over a week ago.
He did remind us that with the pilot prototype, AXE is doing things that
have NEVER been accomplished before, working on world firsts, literally.
He also stated that setbacks should be expected, if not always initially
accepted. Ultimately, they mean they’ve learned more about a specific
component, and that they are resolving an issue that won’t have to be
dealt with again. It is progress.
Like it or not wealth2015, I think 'your view' of a failure is just 'your view'
and not 'the market's'. Last Friday Sept 29, we closed @.17 and this
week 3 days into Oct already after only 39k for a total volume so far and
we are still stuck @.17. I would not say that's hardly a 'run for the exits'
from the market perceiving a failure would you really wealth2015?
I would think after the CEO's workover update again just over a week ago,
it's more like many investors are keeping the faith and still have patience
to keep hanging in! So wealth, you sold so what do you care except of course,
it's always good to portray the negative view when you just might be back
to buy in again and hope to get a lower price.