Thanks, Windyguy. With that 2 to 1 ratio, the interconnect will be humming pretty much from dawn til dusk. I believe the original plan was a 144 MWh battery, scaling up to 320 MWh over time. I'm not sure how much load balancing it can do on that part of the island, but still looks promising. As I understand it, the tax credits can be sold to a third party as soon as the project is actually generating (is that right, or is it once the PPA is green-lighted?), so they (we?) might be able to get a nice chunk of change up front on the project as well. It will be interesting to see how much GRB is on the hook for the interconnect and other transmission upgrades.
Did he mention anything about GRB taking over any of the other solar projects on the island? This was something he has talked about in the past. Of course, I realize this one needs to get over the finish line first. Though heavan help me I am now thinking of averaging down in the next few days. I will never learn, lol.