So Qmet paid EMD financial $28500.00, exercisable common shares and warrants for finding them a s--k-r to invest $301,000 into their DEEP, DEEP, DEEP in DEBT, zero revenue producing company which based on their daily average, 7 days a week, 365 days a year cash burn of $8,591.00 bought them just 35 days of survival......Pardon me, 31 days of survival, they already paid out $28,500.00 of that money to find the s__k_r to do it.....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Check out Qmets last financials, as of July 31st, they were already WAY MORE than $301,000.00 in DEBT, so what good is $272,500.00????......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Qmet to ZERO????......OH YEAH!!!!!