GREY:NEVDQ - Post by User
Comment by
patchhon Oct 06, 2023 9:57pm
Post# 35674241
RE:RE:Nev. Copper and Neighbourly Pharmacy Share Spread similarity
RE:RE:Nev. Copper and Neighbourly Pharmacy Share Spread similaritykkill-illogical ! senior people do not leave one mine - move to NCI in anticipation of a private or fire sale starting a new job.. the corporate morass w shakeouts and somebodys favorite cousin taking the slain's reins..
currently thetre is nofair market price.. what U see in this area is very large capitol expendentures.. as in spending many mega millions..
Yet is a brownfield.. its a first of its kind w re-animation.. not a movie.. simply deep pokets w large bank acounts on a 5 and 10 year plan..
soooo.. now thit i can see this.. who is this mysterious buyer thats going to rn in here paying 60% over parr for a mine w/o EBIT.. what does payla gain by consolidating 100%..
what is vlad going to use for making deals --- pixie dust.. who want to make a deal w an autocrat when senior people he has lured into the mix - hit the trails/globally