As Expected....TVThis news was expected by the market.....over the next little while we'll be seen on TV.
Hoping to see the price move up ahead of and during the would tell me there is faith in the products future success and not make us wait to see the revs in the quarterlies but rather start pricing it in now.
The asks are putting the screws to us as of now....over 2 million at 7.5 and 8....only 270,000 at 7.....need bid support, 470,000 bidding 6.
Next 2 to 4 weeks will tell me if the hype of this game changing tech was justified....if there is true value the market will not make us wait to see the revs in the upcoming will buy it up now....stay tuned folks.
For you NFL fans that have never been to a's awesome.....I'll be going annually now.