RE:Twin FallsI appreciate you trying Steve, thanks!
According to the press release regarding the twin falls aquisition it says "The Acquisition was completed as an “Expedited Acquisition” under TSXV Policy 5.3 – Acquisitions and Dispositions of Non-Cash Assets, and remains subject to the TSXV’s final acceptance" Typically how long does it take to reciever the TSXs final acceptance?
I have attached a copy of the policy here:
I was also curious if you could clarify a question I had in regards to point 4.1.G.
In regards to 4.1.G: "any securities issued as consideration for the acquisition do not result in any Person who was previously not an Insider becoming an Insider of the Issuer;" The press release states "The Acquisition is an arm’s length transaction" To me that means the individual(s) is not an insider. Obviously you are unable to confirm their identity are you able to confirm that they are or are not an insider?