RE:Hey Guys...We don't always agree , but you nailed that one in spades. They killed innocent men , women and children in the King David hotel bombing and then down the road elected a terrorist as Prime Minister. Now who is right and who is wrong. The majority of the original Gaza strip refugees of 1948 are long gone and dead ,but they have indoctrinated the following generations in revenge and Jihad. Many think that the only problem is ChinaTaiwan , Russia and Ukraine and of course NorthKorea with both the last two cases been led by Lunatics. But l have always felt for over 50 plus years that if a world conflict occurred it would be in the Middle East. The Israelis have the bomb we can't be sure about other countries in the region ,but they , remembering the Holocaust aren't going to take it lying down, and if it resulted in a World War , l don't think they care. Remember Masada, that the prevailing sentiment today, we survive or no one does , and oil should be skyrocketing instead of staying flat and down.