InventoriesDoes anyone with an IQ believe in an almost 11 million build , Duster might , but only because it supports his agenda , not what even he considers real. Today we have global conflicts and potential risks all over but the Dems and Biden as vote hungry trolls have depleted the SPR by some where around 400 million barrels. It's called strategic for a reason not that the morons ,l will stop short of saying traitors down south are doing. At 11 million it would take 36 weeks to refill and if as the self proclaimed police force of the world faced blowouts on a number of fronts ,the military , short of nukes would be hard to respond. You can have all the weapons , planes and ships in the world but if you can't fuel them then you are in a world of DooDoo. The Military knows it and so do others , just not the Dems whose only mission in life is their thinking they are destined to rule. sound familiar , just ask the Trudeau , Liberal dynasty. If things don't get totally out of control in a year or so Those two will be opposition parties and maybe the Libs will be second string to something worse, The NDP.Regardless a regime change especially one that lasts at least 2 terms could be real prosperity for BTE the CDN oil industry , exportsand the treasury , something Justine doesn't seem to care about. Maybe when he is ousted he can as a partime drama teacher go on stage as a one man show promoting his non existent achievements. ,He is sure to have an audience of those lemmings that voted for him in the past and l will bet he could get 5 bucks for an autograph , which would be the only real money he earned in his life , that and peddling Bobbleheads of himself..