RE:Biden: F_U Canada. We're going to Venezuela.Migraine - Yep...what an upside down world we are living in today. Guess I'm getting too old for the nonesense and hypocrisy.
Imagine - Biden's first act after becoming President of the US was to cancel KMX which would have ensured more oil supply to the US from its best ally and trading partner and then signing a deal with the devil to free up oil exports to the US.
It is really hard for me to have confidence that anyone who has even smidgent of common sense works in the Biden Administration. They are too busy virtue signalling on many fronts to actually do the right thing. Seems they are happiest signing deals with enemies then helping out allies.
In this vein, I fear for the Israelis. I watched the press conference with Blinken and BB and saw BB's face drop with some of the things that Blinken said.
Sooo...besides my rant - Migraine what is your estimation of the impact of this deal on oil prices and hence the SP of SU?