Radius Reseach presentation Oct 16This one is well worth a listen. Much better overall presention. Lays out a development plan that is interesting and seems a little more plausible. Very clear that Nazare is still enticing part of future but will be on back burner because they cannot afford to do it at this time.
They will test the wells at Val Marie and Ogema. They may drill well at new Alberta prospect Forty-MIle (more details about that include possible helium concentraions of 1%, three times Steveville) ). They want to move ahead at Bengough and Cadillac wells with hope of higher concentrations. The whole plan seems much more thoughtful. Also they will be flexible on processing for different locations. May have scaled down Steveille type of plant at some. May use simpler membrane type purifier at others. May be able to take advantage fo nearby purifier at Cadillac.
Discussions of personnel was very impressive, a lot of firepower on the team they have assembled.
Format with questions was very helpful and Andrew ewally did well there. Open and thoughtful.
They still need to get the Steveville plant working as designed, hopefully soon. They are still capital constrained but the path forward seems a little more hopeful after listening to this.