MAH~HELLO FRIDAY~~SHOW ME DA$$$$$$ NUMBERS OF BARRELS ARCHIESPIT EM OUT!!! Goood morning MAH!!~!~ yup even you fishy!! lol YAHOOOO free day to play in the sandbox......BUT BUT BUT .......(yup all caps lol ) not a darn sole is in the sandbox OUT THERE anywhere.
SIT tight do not panic, yes you are in an illiquid market. Volume is bupcas eveywhere, so please raise your eyes and stop looking for negatives to post bout MAH
The market WILL reverse sheeesh, yes slowly. Heck 2 years ago with covid grabbing the human race by the lungs.........everybody evey back door washroom...posted this is exactly where we would be!!
Anybody want to deny that?
I am here to reep the golden jewels laying on the bottom of this market.
Peeps still trying to day trade ahahaha lmfaso
This is the time to position your money at the BOTTOM where the real CROWN JEWELS lay!!!
Positioning your porfolio while the market licks the bottom that is the mission!