The Clock is Ticking........And time is quickly running the company's coffers are nearly depleted, almost completely empty. By the looks of things, these guys have JUST enough mooLah to last until year-end. Andf that's WITH the funds received from the options being exercised recently. So that's barely two months of cash left. And with the current burn rate. by Xmas time going into 2024 they'll be DEAD BROKE. Deja Vue? Yes Sir......Because this is EXACTLY wth happened with those "other" two former divisions of their they had their hands in, their other "failed pivots" ScreenPro & Graph.
So will REITERATE my meesage here once more, DONT END UP like the shareholders of those other two failed companies SunScreenPro & Graph BrokenChains, where the last bagholders, those poor & naive s/h who were the last & final s/h, were totally anialted, totally wiped out of their savings & investments. GET OUT while you still can........while you still have a $1 left in your pockets. So why is this Deja Vue & so important? Because That was my message & warnings (many many warnings of both those fourms btw!!!) to the s/h of both those companies before the end came there........
Trust me when i tell you the EXACT same things will happen here........ by mid 2024 your investment in this will be completely GONE. And the script & blue print of HOW it will happpen will be identical to what happened to those other easy as 1-2-3
Which for those that don't know wth is going on.......translates to this....
1----> A drop to under a Kanadian nickel......
2----> It will linger there for what seems forever......until......
3----> Until the Reverse split comes and then its game over.......
And the final death blow will be the NEW financing at bottom of the barrel prices which will dilute whatever you have left here into NOTHING.........
Is this what you want? Because this is what WILL happen!
If you don't want to take my advice to into STND instead, then you should dump everything & stay in whatever cash you have left...........