All it would take for an easy double would befor Klein to remove the dogmine called consolidation that is stinkin' up our prospects.
That consolidation proposal carries more weight than all of the moves he has made to move Canopy towards black ink.
Consolidations are the precursor to failure and it would be a shame to take a once glorious prospect and world leading pot and hemp company and destroy it, at least for the shareholders who built it with their hard earned investment dollars.
To me he is the snake in the grass that everybody is so fearful of. He is working one side of the equation to reduce debt and get Canopy close to positive revenue but the question remains is whether existing shareholders are going to take the shaft from the latest financiers and preferred shareholders in the STZ camp.
He is non-commital and sending mixed messages to Canopy and Acreage shareholders.
If our management is not weighing in on their concerns for doing business in the US, what is happening with the deal for the rto for Canopy to swap shares for Acreage.
We were led to believe that this is do-able and that we weren't waiting on any pro-pot legalization efforts by the US, so what is the delay all about.
Do the existing shareholders of Canopy and Acreage still share in moving on Canopy and Acreage upside or are we just going to be screwed over like so many others.
STZ is still pro-pot and investing in like-minded investments to secure popular and hopefully, profitable brands that can be vended in to Canopy USA.LLC to make a formidable MSO.
Tell me I am wrong that actions are speaking louder than words!