Liquidity needs. Banxa needs liquidity to handle larger order volume. They raised $1.75M of the $6M they were looking for so far. I wonder if the rest of the $6M can be raised soon, because the stock price is 0.61 and the shares are at 0.80 so not so attractive being down 25% currently. Even with the full $6M raised I wonder if that is enough for them if the bull market is officially on with these higher highs and lows in Bitcoin this year it looks like the beginnings of a bull market.
I think it would be smart for Banxa to go back to announcing monthly TTV.
Volume trading for the stock is still extremely low there is no buyers or sellers really so clearly the current holders are not dumping. Now is the time to start a real uptrend for the stock and I hope the company has a plan to attract this volume.