Who but a fruitcake narcissist when asked to discuss It is hard to understand the behavior of a bonafide narcissist until you meet one and see them in action.
When the merits of spectrum slicing was discussed after the the results of the POC conducted by Liberty Global was released, up popped a resident narcissist.
Guess what his offerings to the discussion was? First of all, he showed his stripes of being what the wi-fi community of specialists refer to as a laggard by disparaging anything newer than what he chose to set up in what is most likely his 900 square foot home and POC test facilities. If it included more than 3 wi-fi devices in a low density environment we will never know. All that he was willing to tell us was that his system was a good if not better than anything that existed or was being proposed in the future. LG`s test facilities and methods of testing was questionable although they were also used by the best of the best. Nothing could better our little narcissists home lab.
However, I will admit to the fact that he at least has a smidgeon of a sense of humor.
When he told you all this he did so never giving consideration that you just finished reading an introduction to:
Enrique Rodriguez EVP & CTO Liberty Global since 2018. And...LG`s technology organization powers the product development and operations as well as tech strategy for common service platforms accross Liberty`s operating co.s & partner markets.
So where am I going with this? When disparging YFI only a narcissist would not consider that YFI is not soley furthering their efforts and objectives alone. As announced they work within ecosystems of alliances and partners yet to be identified. Hence, when leo freely insults anything emanating from YFI`s mouth, he is questioning and insulting the professionalism of such figures as Enrique Rodriques, Luther Smith & CL`s, Nicolas Fortineau, and scores of others.
Ironically, as a wannabee comedian he fails dismally at telling jokes, but at the same time becomes the epitome of being a good joke.
AND now to introduce the little man with the over inflated ego. (canned applause follows)