Semantics and US disinformationWhere to start , first the numbers out of the reporting agencies , like The rating agencies of 2008 who were paid hacks for the bankers , the oil rating agencies are criminal paid hacks for Biden , not much more in the SPR he can dispose of to get votes but posting false inventory builds and supposed peak usage ,he can to manipulate the market for his and the Democrats own ends. A build , how do you have a build when you have to at sometime replace 350 million barrels that dimwit released to buy votes. If the GOP gets in a year from now , I guess they will have to be responsible for refilling a STRATEGIC reserve , it's called that for a reason, not that there aren't any geopolitical problems out there , presently. What for instance if the Middle East implodes , Iran closes the Straits of Hormuz. 30 percent of all the worlds oil uses that strait , but who cares . Then on this board we have two types of posers , the serial bashers who don't own oil or Baytex and never will and the Financial gurus who always sod high , never low and never ever lost money in their after the fact trades. Both groups make me puke and that's how l describe those posers . Now in all the brilliance of a partime drama teacher , let's stick our oil companies with a windfall tax ,did they give those same companies and their shareholders billions when oil turned negative , don't ask the guru posers they will claim they profited by shorting or some other after the fact BS. I and some others admit mistakes and when it works do pat ourselves on the back , then we have the board liars ,supposed multimillionaires and non owners who have nothing better to do in their day other than to lecture , preach , validate themselves and teach all us normal investors , what's what. , Guess what , my take they are just entitled wannabes acting like they are somebodies, Fact They ARENT