Dh has more shares than Itochu so does retailHoward . Retail is a tougj bunch in the company. We're not going anywhere till we are rewarded. I don't think Itochu wants the the headache ofhaving to manage hardware such as our energy storage systems. THEY did a tech exchge with Itochu, question is do we see any revenue from that? The company is way too opaque for the liking of us hard nosed retail shareholders. Of all stocks I have own we re the most savvy about our worth and where we should be . Apparently the way Eguana interacts with the grid and the reliability of the way it's metred is light years ahead of others. We are the solution to the industry. Patents were exchanged with at Japanese outfit, question is what does efian gain from it? Management fails on many levels to clarify what our role is in industry and our parents. I don't think we get folded into Itochu. At least bit until dh fidelity and retail get some good reward.