2015 PEA PIT vs 2023 PFS PIT Yellow boundary provides the visual of what they had in mind
for the Wellgreen in , 2015.
Robin blue perimeter, is a massive footprint.
Which included the 846 million tonne inferred.
Yet...if one calculates the true tonnage of this far larger footprint
it far exceeds the, 846 million tonnes.?
Welgreen has been stigmatized with the
silicates, olivines, serpentines, peridotite, dunites.
What would happen if one begins X-ing out mineralized silicates and only
focuses on, gabbro, sulphides, clinopyroxine ores ?
My hunch says....
you'd end up with a patchy deposit creating lots of waste ores.
Exact same thing happens with,
running the model ( upper mafics + lower mafics )
Biasly choosing lower.
Investor fault ?
Just poor choice of extraction.
just what is the difference between grade mineralization between
Upper ( Dunite + Oeridotite ) vs Lower ( Clino + Gabbro/ Sulphide )
Not much difference
Choose a Bias Extraction....?
86% loss of inferred
X ing out block models of perhaps peridotite/ based on extraction
Loss of tonnage sorting ore for headgrade
Further X ing of tonnage for percautionary measures
Skin factor ( pretty sure pfs said, 0.5% ) further percaution
= lots of buffers for future mine purchaser ( wink )
How can we be certain Wellgreen has seen a bias approach
only focusing on, specific ores ?
We could simply read the 89 pfs, and it says so.
Or, pull forward another junior who owned the Wellgreen to validate it.
It's the sulphides that are patchy....not the silicates.
Why would another Prez change the ore geology to majority peridotite
then run with an extraction that's not suited for, peridotite ?
Marketwire - Feb 4, 2013) - Prophecy Platinum Corp.
Excerpt -
The East Zone contains many isolated massive sulphide lenses in and around the underground workings that occur near the base of the ultramafic host rocks. Though historic work focused on these massive sulphide bodies, as currently envisioned
Solution ?
Try DNi Extraction
Or....Carbonate conversion extraction ( former post ) 90 - 100% recovery.
What would Wellgreen look like then ?
No 86% tethers, No practical tethers, No headgrade sorting tethers etc...
Here is the 2015 vs 2023 Open Pit Comparison.
I figure...one could draw an even small inside perimeter
and it would represent the 2023 Pit Design.
Count the Benches - second image
i'm counting only 12 = 120m ( based on, 10m benches )
2015 PEA - PIT Boundary ( yellow )
2023 Pit Perimeter ( smaller ) shallower ???
Is central and west even included ?
Only 120m depth around main mine ?
Main mine + Johnson holes = 547m + 756m mineralized depths.
How much X-d out silicate tonnage still mineralized ?
437 million resource tonnes + 550+m tonnes waste
= 1 bilion tonnes ( hello )
= try the carbonate extraction.