Only reason I bought this is because....Some very wealthy friend, too wealthy to believe me. Says so. But he also told me Silver will be the investment of a lifetime. And told me he would never and has never boughg a penny stock.
He for some reasons gets stock pick right byt I always sell way too early.
Why he's buying penny stocks? He says he hears things and when pressed tells me Apollo Silver is the kost undervalued pure silver pick that will go up with the mid tiers. I asked why is it going down after pp @ more then double. He told me if he could buy 100 million shares of any penny stock ,this is the one. I LAUGHED ! HE SAID APOLLO WILL RISE FASTER THEN ANY MID TIIER AND @ .08 IT'S A ONCE IN ONES LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY TO GET WEALTHIEST WITH FEWEST CAPITAL INVESTMENT.
AND THIS ID THE BIGGEST ANOMALY AT THE FIRST AND LAST TIME I SEE THIS. HE WOULD BUY ALL THE SHARES AT .10 IF HE COULD. YOU DON'T KNOW ME SO DO YOUR OWN DD.HE ALSO SAID "dont go pumping it on APGO anywhere,just pick up as much as possibly. When pressed he said Silver is worth $100 an oz and will go past that figure soon and way to fast for anyone to get in now. SO im dumb and bought 15000 shares why APOLLO I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND HE SAID SILVER RISE IS DIFFERENT THIIS TIME...And I believe him 100%