RE:PandoraSam, you stated, "theTier1`s will be given a definable choice instead of being forced to buy the skin lotion with the same active ingredient has everyone else but then packaged in different bottles, given different scents and coloring , and writing different wondrous remedies on the boxes."
If that were true then why has the relative throuput compared to that "skin lotion" for Wifi3™, AKA aera™, AKA Spectrum Slicing™, dropped from a 50X increase in throughput to an 8X increase in throughput in just 8 years?
Even so, what are the disadvantages of their technology tha has stopped Exery Tier 1 to date from licensing the technology and running with it?
There ARE reasons, and any investor worth their salt would consider those questions and others before considering this stock over the plethora of others just like who are also not making any sense, or instead buying into a company already making money and multiplying profits every year.