Duster..Yes your right about protests in Iran but there just that protest with no meat on the bone! After the Shaw of Iran believe went into exile this country has been nothing but fanatic Islam! They protest after that young girl got beat to death not wearing her abji scarf and protested for months world protest along with them and still nothing happened! And just roughly another girl died same way by the moral police something like that and now no protest! Putian same Russian thug that Hopefully will be gone so as his age expires but until than he won't let a free election play out no matter what street protester demand which is ashame! Go back in time the crusades Islam vs Christianity same situation in the Muslims eyes!it don't matter how many nuclear war ships you have they have been fighting since biblical time! If the sunnies and shiats both Muslim but some phrase in there Karan is little different, there killing each other but when western culture gets involved in region or in there intrest they put there differences aside and will work together to fight the infidel (west) I know ISIS is really nothing now scaterd cells now but Taliban is still a ragtag fighting force who will and can rally there troops! Just look at Afghanistan! Bomb them into stone age still here Russia bombed them in to the stone age still here! They only know war!