Contray to facts, posters want to tell us hard drugs are okIf they have gone though safe supply.
Not even funny.
You can get hooked on cocaine, heroin, meth or fentanyl after a few uses.
Safe Supply wants to encourge people to do so.
I forgot mushrooms and ketomine as well.
Why is this company pushing for a so called safe solution promoting drug useage ?
What kind of people are these that do not care about people ?
You think setti is going to set up a payment system for all those whom died etc...
for their promoting cocaine etc ? They never will.
You see, this is just a financial game to them in which they profit off the lives of innocent people soon to be addicts.
Why does not safe supply in any of their statements tell people of the dangers of cocaine, meth, heroin or fentanyl ? Ever wonder why the dont ?
Its about them making money on people dying.
Ever here Safe Supply telling people to live without hard drugs or soft drugs ? Never. Why ?
They dont care about people, just their pocketbooks. Should be shut down imo for the sake of society.