MetalCorp AcquisitionI finally took the time to look at the projects from MetalCorp they bought for $3 million, Big Lake & North Rock. Big Lake has a lot of different metals, but best of all, it has Molybdenum & Rhenium on the west end. That alone is worth $200 million gross at 900,000 tons, or $2 million in the ground. North Rock has about $100 million worth of copper, worth about 1 million in the ground. Big Lake has a deposit of Cu-Zn-Au-Ag of unknown value. Neither of the 2 projects would be developed at their current size, but exploration could greatly expand the resource. The Rhenium is 1.67 g/t, you don't just find that anywhere. Most rhenium is acquired as a byproduct of processing, not as ore. I think we got a really good deal on the MetalCorp projects, which is why they pulled the trigger. I use the following valuations for metal in the ground if it helps anyone because I observe it so often in junior mining. Discovery & mineral resource estimate = 1% of the gross value of metals. PEA = 1.5% gross value metals. Feasibility Study = 3% of gross value of estimated recovered metal. These are ballpark figures for estimating the value of a deposit for sale & for buyout. Mining projects get sold for a lot less than people often think. Most of us are okay when we buy it for 1%, but are ticked when it gets sold for "only 3%". I like our chances of finding more at the sites, & both projects are in mining & permitting friendly Ontario.