RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Back of the napkin today's metricsYes Anshutz today was a swift kick in the nads alright.. at least they're using stock near a 52 week high for part of the deal and to have the largest land base in this profitable fairway is nothing to sneeze at.. this enables them to really capitalize on synergies as they have in Sask. being the largest land base holder here in key areas as well.
Unfortunenately we got hit with a double whammy with the crude price drop.. but rest assured OPEC+ is watching closely and they won't like these prices either.. and they swing a big stick.. That 1.2 Billion in FCF, if it can be maintained will deal with the debt in good time IMO..
The market always seems to get their hair on fire with these deals until they can understand what is happening at the ground level.. IMO.. good luck to you if you're still holding..?
Anschutz wrote: Moe I appreciated your posts and perspective, however everyone was saying essentially the same thing when they bought the Shell assets. What I am disillusioned with, is that it's clear this purchase was timed to occur immediately after earnings AND the conference call. As such, there is no opportunity for management to provide clarification or answer questions. It also gives the appearance they are trying to hide something, as we now need to wait 3 months for any analysts to question.
To me, it looks like they were anticipating a backlash by the market and timed the announcement to delay questions. I look forward to reading the analyst updates from the usual investment firms that we'll likely see starting tomorrow.
I'm just really tired of having the carrot dangled in front of shareholders, and just as it looks like they're really going to let us have some, yank it away and push it further down the road. Board and management just do not seem to recognize the pain shareholders have been through; not to mention anxiety the Trudeau & Singh alliance are causing to the sector.
We'll all likely have free heat pumps funded by all the additional taxes they'll levy on oil and gas companies, before we see a respectable dividend from CPG. LOL!
Moemoney42 wrote: I hear ya Barney.. agreed today isn't an inspiring day and somewhat expected IMO..
I do think that the long term picture has improved looking at the land base they now have.. I really don't think they'll need to look any further for a long time at acquisitions so now its "show me the money" time.. if we can get stablility in crude this will look like a smart acquisition in time.. just like the first forray into the area is now considered a good move.. until then.. where's that gaviscon..! LOL..