RE:RE:RE:RE:History RepeatsONCInvestor - The first three patients on Bracelet-1 would have been those taking the triplet therapy - run-in trial done for safety reasons... The first OS data they had should have been from these three patients and ONCY would have known damn well how this compared with Pela+Pax alone.
They kept telling investors that this trial was done to derisk the prospective Phase III, and to ensure a competitive landscape, to ensure they could get the best deal for a partnership.
So it failed to engage a CPI partner... 5 years wasted. Now they claim to be running a Phase III with just Pela + Pax, so why not start now, they have a SPA in place, and two randomised trials showing it works, yet STILL, we have no one willing to pay for this trial... it stinks.
Then there's the whole issue with Adlai Nortye, that brilliant company who have run their bridging trial for Chinese patients, found an efficacy signal, and have gone radio silent on their own Phase III... What a f&*()* mess.
Now they're trying to drum up another competitive scenario, with yet another Phase II with another combo. All this means is more delay. WHERE is this fabled Phase III...?
And for those who say, oh, but pps is not important... well it is when you want to raise cash, or you're about to be delisted for the second time... Yeah, getting backl on the Nasdaq was a strike of genius, what are we down since then 70% - and how much further along is an mBC phase iII...
I completely agree. this bunch of clowns seems incapable of getting the job done. 1 molecule in 26 years...
Crispr technology was only discovered 10 years ago... and yet the first approvals are imminent... Go back to your beach in Thailand Matt, mummy is fine.