Promises not kept..........About a year ago I contacted a Financial Manager and pundit who manages finances for some Heavyweights in LaLa Land. i suggested he interview Haber (my memory has faded a little but I think it was mid-2022) and as I recall my contact did call and Haber obliged him with the interview during which as I recall he said at the time that he expected the culmination of mine financing would be soon! As I recall the mine financing appeared to be imminent, something like a few months! Since then and more recently it appears that finalization of the CRE jig-saw puzzle could be imminent, however here it is November, there has been no tree-cutting announced and no culmination of a financial partner. It makes one think that someone in the CRE hierarchy must be sticking their finger in the pi; if so. one would wish that the management structure of CRE would respect theri shareholders enough to call a meeting and thrown the laggard out!