RE:Oil …Well Frank, You got me jumping down the rabbit hole with your comment. Who owns Oilprice. James Stafford now portfolio manager with Merrill division of Bank of America but as per footnotes is also associated with other private equity companies of the sort that you mentioned. I ain't got time to unravel all of the various connections in this complex network of pools of capital (private equity) and sources of info, opinions and analysis like oil price but I do know that if you can conttol people's reptilian impulses of fear and greed, then you can have a powerful influence on sp movements. Right now, they're playing the fear card that oil demand is weakening. What's next? Fear card that Iran will shut down Straits of Hormuz driving oil prices up? They make money either way, on the drop and the increase. All they need is volatility which they create with their stories. Great post Frank. Anyway there's this: