gizmo66: The OWL website answers your questionHi gizmo66, 3 minutes on would have answered your question.
Or call investor relations. Call Earl Hope: 1 604- 644-4359 or
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From the site: In a couple weeks, the scientists will have the lab bench model built to prove out the technology and host demonstrations.
Separation at room temperatures without the need to create/add pressure is the goal.
“One World Lithium Inc. (OWL) Vision: To develop and implement the lowest cost / highest yield separation of lithium carbonation technology in the lithium industry.
This technology’s potential benefits include:
separation at room temperature without requiring pressure,
separation in a continuous flow, and
a nominal carbon footprint.
Jack Lifton, an advisor to OWL, noted: "The OWL technology has the potential to change the lithium extraction industry and could possibly be funded from either lithium carbonate consumers or traditional private equity funds.” “