Assuming 200,000 bopd production and 75 vs 80 wti I get907 mill free cashflow using their 1.2 billion guidance at 80 wti. Assumed royalties and taxes would've knocked off 20% and so used 4 dollars vs the 5 dollar change, that's 800,000 day difference in cashflow and free cashflow. That's 15% free cashflow yield. Doesn't sound too bad, except for with a post aquisiition debt at 3.7 billion. That represents 4 years of free cashflow. I can find service companies with little or no debt yeilding 25% free cashflow. CPG isn't bad for what's our there, the trouble is the financial metrics of these o and g companies just aren't screaming buys at 75 dollar oil (especially when one never knows when the new york J's decide to flush the price down into the sixties.