Nordico Read this post We don't agree on everything and I respect it. I know you want me to go away and I will leave in this condition. Bbd859 posted a few weeks ago that I was part of a shorting organization coming from Montreal. If it's true, I will Appolagise to all the posters you will ask me and then never come back on this board. I've ask serveral times to 859 to prove his point by giving us details of his claims but as you can see he is hiding. If you want me to leave to leave this board post this post so 859 can see it and ask 859 to prove what he has post. If he can't, will you ask him to leave like I am willing to do. You see, now you will have the absolute truth of who is saying the truth and who is trying to mislead others.Remember, a lot of share holders will read this and Will want to have the truth once and for all. Don't try to mislead this board. Is bbd859 lying to everyone here with his false accusations towards me? Waiting for the answer. It's time to see who is the real liar.