Catalyst events Part IIPart II:
a. The parlement having ''no more political'' choice then to vote for an open call orders
b. No more interest hike by the US Fed
c. Next week, inflation still going down and Market love it
d. TSX goes to 4600
e. Another country decide to go with BBD instead to buy Poseidon Boeing
f. Confirmation about the production of 138 and ''maybe more'' planes for 2023
g. Finally, shooters decided to put BBD on ignore (I know, its fantasy)
h. others fantasy, the Caisse de dpts decide to buy more shares, the BBD family decide to buy more, people stop buying under the present share price and stop helping shorters...fantasy
Part I :
2023: 1. Dubai mid november can bring some interesting news
2.still waiting the Flexjets order, if its for 25 airplanes, it will be a balm in/during the present calm Market/ low shares volume/cant
3. broke the 52$
4. Cant imagine what will be if the ''rumor'' come true, thats not gonna be a catalyst but a tsunami
5. The Trudeau govern have less times to decide if they go or not on a open order call
6. Still dont understand why Polivre dont take the opportunity to make some political move , he is only waiting for the best moment?...hope so, and if so, it wont hurt
7. Recent huge debt restructuration that can bring huge economy = more money save,
8. Any new orders ( BBD defense, G8000...)
9. days before 2024: well, the year by, ''2024 his coming, 2024 is coming''...because, the doom day can be Q4 report
10. BBD Market day: it cant be ignore indefinitely, seem to be one of the most long term secure company investment, (but, at the same time, for now and before mid 2024, it can happen only if the shorts can't bring it to less then 50$ (will need, at least, 2 things, people stop buying from shoters ''cheap shares'' 100 shares at 0,20$ under the market price and decide to buy, instead, from some the scary sellers at 0,01$ over the price and, 2e the Market dont collapse)