Mr DNever said it was increasing by a prodigious rate , just said increasing . abating , now how many times have l heard that one, too many , we have peaked and it will collapse is a constant ecoidiot Liberal Democrat chant on their war drums and always proven wrong , not that any of that group admit they were wrong or apologized for misleading the market and general public, you know the people they supposedly were voted in to represent and help not indoctrinate with their idiotic save the planet policies. While l have been respectful to you , only sometimes returned you have again avoided and tried to deflect my ask , that you rebute certain facts and assertions l have posted.When you post something , l answer and am not afraid to .So tell us all how the energy sector and the financials are garbage, l wonder what you invest in Treasuries or Tech but not the Cannabis sector , another government brainchild that cost investors large and small to lose 95 percent of everything. To me and take it to the bank , if you are stating your negativity based on EIA or A P I reports as a government mouthpiece of disinformation and outright lies , then just say it. You know the old expression , Pizz or get off the pot.