Patof, Cluby, time for class!Cluby baby we have seen in class last week 3 important rules together. 1, never fall in love with a stock. 2 always buy low and sell high and 3 never come all in with a stock. This week in class we will talk about bull and bear market like I've promised. To understand we will take a teddy bear and a teddy bull. If you short a stock, your best friend is your teddy bear because this means you are making money when the stock goes down. If you want the stock to go up, the teddy Bull is your only friend. So a bear market is when support is broken in a certain period of time and a bull market is when resistance is broken. If you buy Bbd and the share price goes down, do not beat up your teddy bear, its just normal trading activity. There is always next quarter to bring the sp up. But I hear you say... But Patient, what those support and resistance means?? Very good question Cluby. Next class we will examine this together. I am very happy to educate you in this stock world, after all, I am the one you admire so much. I am proud of you. Lol!