Im Back In ...FVL is a Take-Over , :"KINROSS"Eric Sprott, knows his stuff...Last 2 years he has believed in this play and increased his position to around that 30% share coincedence here. Resources now command a price as GOLD prices firm up and has created a strong base..only going higher to that $2100/oz level and beyond.
Central banks around the worlds to revalue their Gold holdings on their balance sheet to much much higher valuations..and will cause GOLD futures to expotentially rise to over $2100/oz ++
FVL, great position ...has massive gold resourse and only has great value to KINROSS...FVL is not a stand alone company..with its own Mill. Its value will be to KINROSS, thats near by and ore trucked to them..FVL is a target and rightfully so..huge resourses in excess of 20mm++/ozs...My estimate is $3.00+/per share...once gold prices goes over $2100/oz...Just my opinion...In Big Time, at these low prices...been accumulating last several weeks...Its an entry point only to those that believe GOLD going over $2000/oz...++++