The Chinese love you. PEA-2022, 2022-ore sorting, 2020-PEA, 2020-TR, 2019-PEA, 2018-contacted with engineering firm re:optiminization, 2018-TR, 2018-PEA, 2017-ore sorting analysis, 2016-ore sorting, 2015-TR, 2015-resource estimate.
Four PEA's/updates. At least three "ore sorting" evaluations. Three TR's/updates. ?
A “preliminary economic assessment” or “PEA” is typically the first stage of economic analysis and the accuracy level is the lowest. National Instrument 43-101 defines a PEA as “a study, other than a pre-feasibility study or feasibility study, which includes an economic analysis of the potential viability of mineral resources.” As a result, many simple disclosures of economic analyses not from a pre-feasibility study or feasibility study are considered by regulators to be PEAs.