ManagementI've been in the markets for well over 40 yrs and in cgx for close to 15 and it boggles my mind how they gave away 36% for what maybe 50...60 million....I've seen companies go to the market with properties in the middle of no where and raise capital...Here we are after a successful well at Kawa one of the most prolific basins on the planet.....and we couldn't raise a dime...Cgx could have easily kept the share price around that $2.00.mark after Kawa and issued 30 million shares and now we would have retained our 63% ownership of N.C....we would have been in much much better shape than we are today...But it looks like Cgx was more interested in appeasing Fronterra than its shareholders...Classic example how the rich steal from the little guy...all while the SEC watches and does Nothing...Shameful...
As far as the price goes...They know exactly what price this stock will trade at ...a week from now...a month from now and so on....I've never seen such control....but is is 100%being controlled...GLTA