Auteco and MaritimeAn important distinction is that gold is far more valuable than copper.
Haulage costs are therefore not nearly as signifucant a cost factor for gold production, compared to Copper.
The 2022 HD Feasability Study showed about 5% .
So, if Auteco and Maritine merged as equals , Ming Copper and Stoger Tight+ gold would be processed at Pine Cove and the major gold production would be transferred to Nugget Pond.
This is the assumption of the 2022 FS in which about $50 m was needed to upgrade the NP gold circuit such that it could operate in parrelell with the 1400 tpd Auteco NP mill.
In total, the milling capacity of these two mills would rise to about 2500 tpd , sufficient to take care of Maritime's domestic production plus toll mill for NFG.
Combined, these two operations .....mainly copper at 40 m lbs per year plus gold by product at Pine cove and 150,000 ounces of gold at Nugget Pond mills, at normal prices, could result in annual gross revenues close to $500 million per year .
Auteco has its Pickle Crow high grade resource which could be sold to pay for the upgrade to Nugge Pond mills as well.
This is of course my speculation, but current facts on the ground, make this outcome a no brainer compared to domestic gold production plus tolling NFG ore ....although the latter is richly profitable as well..
In either case, we are in the driver seat..