New Press Release - Eguana Provides a Business and Financial Update and Announces a Private Placement of Up To $2.0 Million
You and the rest of the Board of Directors just don't get it, Mr. Holland.
Until you define a road to Positive Cash Flow and Profitability along with a Business Plan and timing to achieve those measures; investor confidence, capitalization, and share price will continue to erode.
Paltry financing arrangements such as the one just announced will minimally assist in covering operating costs (including your paychecks) and do nothing to ensure EGT viability, let alone its capacity to grow.
Give your heads a shake.
Figure out "Why" so many partnerhips/business relationships announced over the past few years have failed to survive or produce meaningful sales, market penetration, production, profit results.
Come clean with shareholders.
What Needs to and what Can you Change to move forward?
Layout a realistic, honest business plan that you can genuinely follow
shareholders can assess for its success in meeting milestones.